GTA Modding - Tous les mods et téléchargements pour GTA sur PC

SuperMan Mod

Fly around the city just like superman!

Words can't describe just how awesome this mod is, so I won't even try:

This is a Gamma(after Beta) release, because the mouse controlled flying mode has no collision, and I'm not sure how long it will take to fix it.

NEW: Accelerate/Brake with mouse, smoke after player, set plane on player, weapons in mouseflying mode, No more vehicle sounds, More bugs fixed.

Older news: Download edited anims.img, Muse controlled flying mode, GTA IV SUPPORT, Added accelerate/brake support for xbox pad, better landing, change enable key in INI, get out of water, minor bugs.

Quick tip: Check out the .ini and readme files, they'r important.


Créé par : nixolas1

Ajouté le : 11/10/2014

Version : 2.0

Compatible avec : GTA IV

Niveau d'installation : Facile

Vues : 7094

Téléchargements : 1650

Taille du fichier : 582.17 Ko

Note :

2,78/5 (58 votes)
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4
  • SuperMan Mod - GTA4

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OvGN - 04/08/2021 à 00:08


OvGN - 04/08/2021 à 00:09

' AND 4765 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4765=4765) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'qXgL'='qXgL

OvGN - 04/08/2021 à 00:10


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